Tuesday, January 5, 2016

I've been doing the baggy method this whole time!!!

Ok so you all know that I was an accidental naturalista by now lbvs. So it should come as no shock to you that my method of pre-poo is actually the baggy method. I have been doing my hair like this for over a year now. Then all of a sudden, I look up and poof! What I'm doing has a whole term. But everyone does theirs differently. So here is what I do. 

1. I wash my hair every 4 days. When I say wash, I mean co-wash. I physically shampoo my hair once a month. (I'm going to transition to every 6 weeks though because my hair is starting to get longer and become more of a pain in the butt to wash. Lol) the shampoo I use is by Shea Moisture and it's the Strengthen and Grow Shampoo. 

2. For Co-Wash, I'm not that picky. I'll use either cheap conditioner or some type of co-wash brand. I know I know, they should steal my natural hair card right now. I just feel like they all do the same thing. And as long as the goal of my hair being clean is achieved then why stress about what's going in it? Lol. Right now, the one I'm using is by Palmer's and it's called co-wash cleansing conditioner. 

3. But before I even touch my hair with either of these products, I do the "baggy method." Now the baggy method consists of using your favorite conditioner and hair oil and allowing it to sit under a shower cap or plastic grocery bag for an hour or overnight. I typically do it how I feel. Sometimes its overnight and sometimes it's an hour. Sometimes it's all day. Lol like I will get real lazy or distracted and realize several hours later I still have this bag on my head. The products I use for my baggy method are Herbal Essence Hello Hydration Conditioner, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, and Peppermint Oil. I put all of them in a container. Several pumps of the conditioner, two cap fulls of olive oil, and about 4-5 drops of peppermint oil. I mix them together, throw it in the microwave for about 15-20 seconds, stir again, then apply to my hair. The reason I heat it up is because the heat forces the hair folicles to open up so that the product can truly soak into the hair. This leaves my hair super defined and moisturized longer. I have low porosity hair and color in it as well. So if I don't want it to fall out, I kind of have to do it this way. You see why I let the conditioner sit so long. It really is a process. Lol. 

It only took me 2 years to figure out the best products for my hair. The best part is that the products I use for the most part are fairly inexpensive. Shea Moisture and Carol's Daughter are probably the two that are pricy. Oh and the peppermint oil. But I've had that since like August 2015 and I won't be running out any time soon. Really quick, the purpose of the peppermint oil is to open your pores in your scalp and stimulate growth. Sometimes, your hair won't grow due to blockage. Peppermint oil cleans that out. You HAVE to use a carrier oil with though. It is very strong. This isn't your typical peppermint candy cane. The best carrier oils are olive oil, coconut oil, and almond oil. 

If you decide to try my method of the baggy method, leave me a comment below and tell me how you like it. Feel free to use what works for you as well! I know people who swear by coconut oil and my hair doesn't like it. Lol. Can't wait to see you all's results!!! 

Much Luv,



  1. Thanks for these tips! I'm definitely going to try this when I take my braids out! I'm fairly new to the natural hair world but I love it so far! I have so much freedom that I didn't have before when I was getting my hair pressed! Thx Aly!

  2. Thanks for these tips! I'm definitely going to try this when I take my braids out! I'm fairly new to the natural hair world but I love it so far! I have so much freedom that I didn't have before when I was getting my hair pressed! Thx Aly!
