Wednesday, August 31, 2016

What Alicia Key's No Makeup Stance Is Truly About

I recall just a few months ago reading an article about Alicia Keys refusing to put makeup on during public appearances. The article got many mixed reactions. Some thought she was brave for going against wearing makeup. Some thought what she was doing was dumb and that she may be trying to bash those who do wear makeup. My reaction was .... makes sense to me. So when I saw her show up to the VMA's, I wasn't all that shocked to see her face bare. But this sparked a frenzy of opinions from the Court of Public Opinion. Once again, a lot of people took what she is doing way out of context. So, I am going to explain to you what she's doing.

Can you live without your cellphone? How dependent on it are you? I know there are so many people reading this blog now on their phones. I know I can't live without mine. Not only is it the way I make money, it is also the way I communicate with everyone. I also remember growing up in a time where I didn't have that much access to the world. Then, I didn't feel like I needed it. I managed to keep in contact with everyone, speak to my friends, and get things done without it in my hand. I bet you're wondering why I am talking about cellphones right? Because, like makeup for Alicia Keys, our cellphones is something we are completely dependent on. If we lose it or it gets cut off or broken, we're lost. Alicia Keys expressed feeling very dependent on makeup in the same manner. It became so much of a dependency that she couldn't even go to the store without makeup on. Part of it had to do with the fact of feeling the need to be perfect for, well us. The Court of Public Opinion. Insecurity does not have a income limit. The richest people in the world can be insecure about any and everything. Alicia Keys is no exception. So, honestly, this was nothing more than her deciding to rebuild her self-esteem after years of not loving who she is without a cosmetic product.

We ultimately play a role in this by shaming and ridiculing everyone for their looks, the way they dress, the way they do their hair, etc. We, The Court of Public Opinion, demand perfection from these celebrities. Actually, we demand perfection from anyone. We want all women to be flawlessly beautiful 24/7, well Western Society's definition of beautiful. We will turn people into memes making fun of these imperfections just to get a good laugh out of it. We project our insecurities onto them, which puts them in a situation where they feel like they have to impress us. So, consider this Alicia Key's middle finger to everyone who has had an opinion on her appearance. She's done trying to be perfect for us. She's done trying to look good for us. She's done being imprisoned by our opinion. I don't blame her. No one should ever feel like they have to perfect to be loved and liked by others.

So this isn't about her seeking attention. This isn't about her bashing makeup. It's about her regaining control over her life. Nothing wrong with that. We should not be dependent on any cosmetic product to make us feel better about ourselves. Makeup is to be for fun. We should enjoy really putting these looks together. But to need it in order to feel better about ourselves is stressful. You all are beautiful just the way you are. Alicia Keys is merely an example of regaining back her confidence. If we learn anything from her, it should be that. As long as we are confident in ourselves the way we are, wearing makeup won't be an issue. Wear the makeup, don't let it wear you.

Aly Jae is a Beauty Influencer and a member of Ipsy Open Studios. Active in the Beauty Industry since 2008, Aly continues to educate others about makeup application, products, techniques, and skincare.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

4 Tips To Become Better At Applying Makeup On Yourself

Left: Beginning of my Beauty Influencer Career July 2015
Right: Current Makeup Photo July 2016

Yikes. That left pic is a hot mess. What was I thinking of when I did my makeup that day? Lol. Believe it or not, that pic was just 4 months into my career as a Beauty Influencer. While I knew how to do makeup, my technique was most definitely mediocre. But we all have to start from somewhere right? It took me some time to get to the look on the right. I get quite a bit of comments on my social media pages when it comes to makeup application. There are so many women who are concerned with being able to replicate looks that we influencers put up because of "lack of skill." Truth be told, every last one of sucked at putting on makeup at one point in our lives. I remember the time where I had to apply lashes off camera because I barely knew what I was doing. LBVS. How did we become good at it? Here are some tips below that you can do to become better with applying your makeup.

  1. Be patient. Learning an art takes time. Some may get it faster than others. Some need a few years. Some may need formal training. Some may be able to learn on their own. However it pans out, always remember this: Everyone is very different and we need to be careful with comparing ourselves to others. It will greatly discourage you if you continue to look at the next person and see where they are. So stay focused on you and you will get there.
  2. Practice. Practice makes perfect. The best thing about makeup is that it washes off. I will literally do my entire face, take pics, then remove the makeup. Not only am I doing it to create new looks for you all, but I am also practicing my technique. There was a time where I sucked and blending. Now, I can blend my life away. But the more you practice, the more you will get better at it. Just remember not to give up simply because you are not getting immediate results. 
  3. Share your work with others. There are so many makeup Facebook groups to join and be apart of. Take pics of your work and share them with the community. Ask for constructive criticism. The ones who truly want to see you succeed will definitely help you. Now, I know that there are people out there trolling just waiting to make fun of anyone who is subpar in the makeup application area. Remember that these individuals simply want to bring you down. Don't give them that type of power over you.
  4. Always be willing to learn. I learned makeup application from Clinique and YouTube. I know several people who learned simply by trial and error and a few who went to school to learn. Decide which method is best for you and do it. Utilize all of the education that is given to you from these avenues to become better at applying makeup. It will make you better in the long run.

Anyone can learn to do something. It's all about how you go about it. Don't think this isn't possible for you. Anything is possible if you try and put your mind to it. Regardless of why you want to learn to apply makeup., always make sure that you gain as much as you want to know from it. You can do it. I believe in you!  

Aly Jae is a Beauty Influencer and a member of Ipsy Open Studios. Active in the Beauty Industry since 2008, Aly continues to educate others about makeup application, products, techniques, and skincare.