Sunday, August 21, 2016

4 Tips To Become Better At Applying Makeup On Yourself

Left: Beginning of my Beauty Influencer Career July 2015
Right: Current Makeup Photo July 2016

Yikes. That left pic is a hot mess. What was I thinking of when I did my makeup that day? Lol. Believe it or not, that pic was just 4 months into my career as a Beauty Influencer. While I knew how to do makeup, my technique was most definitely mediocre. But we all have to start from somewhere right? It took me some time to get to the look on the right. I get quite a bit of comments on my social media pages when it comes to makeup application. There are so many women who are concerned with being able to replicate looks that we influencers put up because of "lack of skill." Truth be told, every last one of sucked at putting on makeup at one point in our lives. I remember the time where I had to apply lashes off camera because I barely knew what I was doing. LBVS. How did we become good at it? Here are some tips below that you can do to become better with applying your makeup.

  1. Be patient. Learning an art takes time. Some may get it faster than others. Some need a few years. Some may need formal training. Some may be able to learn on their own. However it pans out, always remember this: Everyone is very different and we need to be careful with comparing ourselves to others. It will greatly discourage you if you continue to look at the next person and see where they are. So stay focused on you and you will get there.
  2. Practice. Practice makes perfect. The best thing about makeup is that it washes off. I will literally do my entire face, take pics, then remove the makeup. Not only am I doing it to create new looks for you all, but I am also practicing my technique. There was a time where I sucked and blending. Now, I can blend my life away. But the more you practice, the more you will get better at it. Just remember not to give up simply because you are not getting immediate results. 
  3. Share your work with others. There are so many makeup Facebook groups to join and be apart of. Take pics of your work and share them with the community. Ask for constructive criticism. The ones who truly want to see you succeed will definitely help you. Now, I know that there are people out there trolling just waiting to make fun of anyone who is subpar in the makeup application area. Remember that these individuals simply want to bring you down. Don't give them that type of power over you.
  4. Always be willing to learn. I learned makeup application from Clinique and YouTube. I know several people who learned simply by trial and error and a few who went to school to learn. Decide which method is best for you and do it. Utilize all of the education that is given to you from these avenues to become better at applying makeup. It will make you better in the long run.

Anyone can learn to do something. It's all about how you go about it. Don't think this isn't possible for you. Anything is possible if you try and put your mind to it. Regardless of why you want to learn to apply makeup., always make sure that you gain as much as you want to know from it. You can do it. I believe in you!  

Aly Jae is a Beauty Influencer and a member of Ipsy Open Studios. Active in the Beauty Industry since 2008, Aly continues to educate others about makeup application, products, techniques, and skincare.

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