Saturday, February 27, 2016

How to Shop for High-End Makeup on a Budget

Let's face it. The high-end makeup brands are unbelievably amazing! You know my favorite foundation is Nars All Day Luminous Foundation. But, it is extremely pricy and a lot of times out of the budget for me. I know that this is one of the biggest issues when watching some of our favorite YouTubers use these things in their videos. But I have managed to not only acquire these things over time but not break the bank with these products. So here are my tips on buying the best of the best without feeling as if you have spent way too much money!

1. Gift Cards. Sephora and Ulta sell gift cards year round. What I have started doing is purchasing a gift card once a month. I usually put anywhere between 10-20 bucks on it. Then I put it away. I continue to do that until after about 6 months or so. So now you have anywhere between $60-$120 that you can completely splurge on makeup! You never touch your bank account during your makeup shopping sprees. You literally saved up and now you have a ton of money to spend guilt free! Once you do that, start the process all over again.

2. Rewards points. Both Sephora and Ulta have membership programs where you earn points every time you purchase something. With Ulta, you can actually use these points as cash on a purchase. Keep track of how much you spend at each location. It will let you know how much you have with them where you can get your favorite make up item either at discount or completely free depending on how much you have to spend and the price of the item. Sephora's point system is different. With their points, you can get sample items. Keep an eye out on what they're offering. If it is something you always wanted to try, use your points to obtain it. You also get a free birthday gift. Take advantage of that. Last year, I got the Nars Velvet and Satin Lip Pencil. They were a great size and lasted for a while. I utilize this system a lot!

3. Buy from the cash wrap! Do you know that while Smashbox is my favorite foundation primer in the world, but I have never purchased the full size tube? I ALWAYS get my primers from the cash wrap. They're cheaper and they last quite a while. I also purchased the Laura Mercier Translucent Powder from the cash wrap. They have so many travel sizes right before you get to the register. They're definitely more cost efficient than spending $38 bucks on primer.

Cash wrap Smashbox, Urban Decay, and Laura Mercier Products

4. Glambot. Glambot is a blogging store that re-sales makeup that is either gently used or never been used by someone else at a discounted rate. I just found a Makeup Forever single shadow for $13.88. They're constantly getting new products in and have some of the best! Nars, Becca, Marc Jacobs, etc. Here is a link to their website to check out what they have. All of the products are sanitized before reselling. It is also a policy of theirs that lip sticks, lip glosses, and mascaras are brand new and never used by the person who sold it to them. So the stuff is very safe to use. Here is a link to check out the products that they have.

And there you have it! I am always big on saving money but still enjoying the best things in the world. With a little bit of budgeting and thinking outside of the box, you too can own high-end makeup. Let me know if you try it out! I would love to hear some of the amazing shopping experiences you all will have.

Until Next Time Luvs,


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Morphe Ultra Fine Pro Setting Powder... Does it set?

So a few weeks ago, I noticed that Morphe created a setting powder. Translucent powders are all the rave now with Laura Mercier leading the pack. So how does Morphe match up to all the others? Hmmmmm....

Morphe Ultra Fine Pro Setting Powder
Left: Translucent, Right: Banana

My first impression of this powder was that it was so silky to the touch. I was very excited to try it. I was concerned that the Translucent shade would be too light for my skin. So, I tested the Banana out first. It blended amazingly well with my skin tone. This definitely makes me believe that it is a universal color. It definitely did an amazing job with carving out my contour line. I followed up with the Translucent Shade because I wanted to see if it would make me look ashy. To my surprise, it did not. It also blended in perfectly with my skin tone. It also set my makeup and controlled my oil issue for a pretty long time!

How does it match up to Laura Mercier? I would put it on the same level. These two powders are definitely an amazing alternative to the amazing, but pricey Laura Mercier. I purchased this powder of course to see what all the hype is about. But I am glad that I got a chance to compare these two amazing brands. If you're on a budget, I would highly recommend the Morphe Ultra Fine Pro Setting Powder. I was not disappointed by this brand whatsoever. I honestly don't recall ever being disappointed.....

Go to to purchase these amazing powders. I recommend the Banana if the purpose is to have a yellow highlight. For simple setting and carving, go with the Transcluent.

Until Next Time Luvs,


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

What is the difference between the Beauty Blender and the Beauty Blender Pro?

If you're anything like me, it probably took you years to hop on the Beauty Blender bandwagon. When I officially bought one, I literally used it every time I did my makeup. So when the Beauty Blender Pro came out.... I was like ok what's the difference? Color? Size? It's the same size.... ok..... I don't get it. LOL. I'm going to safely assume that so many of you are like me. But luckily, thanks to my persistence in research, I have answers!!!

So first, let me explain how I got my hands on one in the first place. I'm Sephora (of course) and I decide to purchase the Kat Von D Lock It Foundation. The lady at the cash wrap goes, Kat Von D is having a sale where you can get the Beauty Blender Pro for just 10 bucks more. Me: WHAAAAAAAAAAAT? Cash Wrap Lady: I know!!!! Me: But I have a Beauty Blender already and I just bought the Real Techniques Sponge. Cash Wrap Lady: But it's the Beauty Blender Pro... And it's only $10 bucks more. Me: *Sigh* Ok fine... But what's the difference?

Kat Von D Lock It Foundation/Beauty Blender Pro Combo

She didn't know the answer either. I didn't see that as a big deal. However, I did want to know what was what. So, I went swimming onto Beauty Blender's website to go find out that the difference is. According to, The Beauty Blender Pro.... *insert drum roll* is ideal for darker complexion products as it does not stain the sponge as easily, making it a favorite amongst Professional Makeup Artist. Hence, why it is called "Pro." That's it. Other than the color, it literally operates the same exact way as the Original Beauty Blender. I can honestly say that I totally understand and see the purpose of it. I have both the original and Pro now. I have used the Pro and found that it lives up to it's purpose. My Original Beauty Blender is more orange now than it is pink. The Pro sponge, the most you see on it is the Laura Mercier or Morphe Translucent Powder that I used to sharpen my contour with. I definitely appreciate Beauty Blender taking that into consideration. While it did not really bother me because, well, I was the only one using it, I can definitely see how MUA's would want to make their sponges appear more clean. Once it's stained, it's stained. So great job Beauty Blender for catering to everyone!! Two Thumb up from me!

The great mystery has been SOLVED!!! I feel like mythbusters from the Discovery Channel. Which one would I recommend? The one that fits your needs the most. Oddly enough, the Beauty Blender Pro is more ideal for me. It still looks like a brand new sponge. So I'll switch between my Pro and RTS and retire my Original BB. Let me know which one you have and why you decided to go with that one! They have like 5 other ones.

Until Next Time Luvs,


Saturday, February 20, 2016

Finding my niche in this beauty industry....

So, I can be all over the place at times. Like, before I started doing this... You know blogging, I wanted to start a marketing company. At one point, I wanted to be an English teacher.... Yikes. But I've truly had to take a long look at myself and say Aly? And I said hm? It's time you truly ground yourself in the thing you are supposed to be doing. 

For a while, my bio said Beauty/Hair/Fashion Blogger. And I literally forced myself to blog about hair and fashion. But I gradually went back and favored makeup. And, it wasn't until today when I stated my occupation at an event "I'm a beauty blogger." That I realized, that's truly what I am. Yes I have  ton of shoes and clothes and accessories and I have mastered the art of the perfect twist outs. But my calling is makeup. I love makeup. Makeup truly makes me happy. If I'm having a panic attack (I suffer from really bad anxiety) I sit down on the floor, in front my makeshift vanity, and create a look. The focus I am putting into making sure my cat eye can cut steel forces me to relax. I can't say the same about wash and gos. I'm usually frustrated by the end of it. And don't let me have to make a life altering decision on which shoe to purchase from Ross. Grrrrrrr. Yes I love these things and I'm decent at them. But that's not my calling. And honestly, it's not what you all want to see from me. 

I pay attention to the likes and comments. And the truth is, my MOTD's get the most attention. So because that's what you all like to see, that's what I'll do. I also removed the title of "makeup artist." I mean I am one, but I only do other faces per request. And that request has to be from someone I know. And they have to be paying. Seriously, that part of the job description where I have to be overly nice and have someone control my every flick of the wrist is not appealing to me. But I love discovering new products. I love introducing you all to these new products. I love demoing them out. I love sitting in front of my camera, putting on makeup and talking about my life and the latest news. (I know I'm recording one tomorrow I swear!) I love talking to you guys about what you think about certain products. It's like I have almost 4K besties that I can talk makeup with without being judged. I can be myself. 

So, Aly will be more beauty, less everything else. I'll still talk about shoes and jewelry, but really only when asked. I don't need to force myself to be anything more than who I am. You guys love me regardless. I appreciate that so much. So consistency! More MOTD's I promise. Thank you all for helping me figure out what I should be doing! 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Becca Aqua Luminous Perfecting Foundation: Hit or Miss?

2016 has been the year of foundation discovery for me. I have fallen in love with so many different brands of foundation. As we all know, Nars All Day Luminous Foundation is Bae. But.... Becca Aqua Luminous Foundation is winning me over. Here are my thoughts: 

First Impression: The packaging was awesome sauce. This foundation has what they call "a dropper." When you unscrew the top to the foundation, a button pops out which controls the dropper. The dropper sucks up the foundation like a syringe. When you press the button on the cap, the foundation squirts out. This is the first time I had ever seen a foundation do that. And of course my inner child was all kinds of excited about this! The consistency, all though light weight, was more on the creamier side. It feels like water, but it doesn't run like water. Easy to control. This definitely won my vote. I applied it using the Morphe M439 Buffing Brush and it glided on like butter. The shade was absolutely perfect and the coverage was super awesome. I was able to build it to my desired coverage which was medium. It also gave me this radiant glow. I checked out the website, and the product description held true to my findings!! 

How does it wear through the day?: so I wore this foundation for a few hours to see if it would last. I must say that for it to be luminous foundation, it didn't move. My face looked just as dewy and glowy as it did when I had put it on at first. There were times in which I forgot I had it on. It's that light weight. 

Any Cons?: No cons with this product. Even with the finish not being matte, which I need because I'm combination-oily, (Clinique terms!) I didn't look greasy. I looked like the sun had touched me ever so slightly. As a person concerned about looking like I can fry a pan of chicken after a while on my face because it gets that greasy, this product has yet to deter me to not use it. 

This foundation definitely was a HIT! I highly recommend that you all try this product. You can find this product at your local Sephora, Ulta, or on Becca's website I checked Glambot to see if it was there. It's not. I tried! But very soon I will be sharing a great way to be able to buy high end makeup at the regular price without breaking the bank!!! *Cliffhanger!!!* If you have this product already, comment below and tell me what you think of it! Let's chat!!! Pictures of myself wearing the foundation and the product are below.

Until next time my loves, 


Sunday, February 14, 2016

What Not To Say To A Curly/Kinky Hair Woman....

So, as most of you all know by now, I became natural on accident. But it was the best accident of my life. Of course, with becoming natural is the discovery of new products, healthier hair growth, and a bunch of questions. And while some of those questions are good questions, there are a few that come off rude and disrespectful based on delivery. If you are not natural or don't have kinky-curly hair, I am going to give you a series of questions NOT to ask. They're annoying and border line offensive. We have a hard enough time maintaining moisture and length. We don't need the additional and sometimes unintentionally offensive questions to go along with it.

1. Can I touch it? Can I run my fingers that has just graced its presence with public door knobs, counter tops, and cups and bags that were handed to me from people who probably walked out of the bathroom without washing their hands through your hair? I didn't think so. You have germs, dirt, and bacteria on your hands that you have no idea about. It's nearly impossible to avoid them. Because you know, we live among humans who aren't all familiar with soap and water. With that being said, our hair is tightly coiled. This makes it extremely easy to collect dirt and bacteria and a pain in the butt to get it out. My wash day process takes 4 hours when I do it all in one swoop. (Don't let me do a twist out as my style. That will make it a 24 hour process.) I really don't want to spend additional time washing it because you wanted to feel my hair texture. I especially don't want to do it if I had just did it the day before. On top of that, you're invading my personal space! I'm 4'11. So no. I get you're curious and all. But you're going to have to admire my hair with your eyes, not your hands.

2. You don't have good hair. Why don't you just perm it? Ok, so this question is the question I get A LOT from our fellow black men. So, I will direct this answer to you. First things first. Do you know what your personal hair texture is? If you decided to grow it out, and I truly challenge you to do so, just so you can see it. You will notice that your hair texture is 9 times out of 10 4b/4c. So, while you're asking why don't I have "good hair" (I'll explain the quotations in a second) it's a great chance that you don't either. You keep it low and neat. We totally appreciate it. But seeing as we're cut from the same cloth, I IMPLORE you to not get caught up in the Western-Euro standards of Beautiful Hair. Speaking of which... can someone tell me the definition of "Good Hair.?" I've spoken to many of women who have the hair that is deemed "Good" and let them tell it... They hate it. It is just as difficult to manage as it is 4c hair. They too, have the same struggles we have. It gets thick, tangled, matted, dry, coarse, and unmanageable. They have the same love-hate relationship as any other natural chick who's hair has a tighter curly pattern. So while it may look "exotic" at times, they have the same struggles. We have been brainwashed to think that longer and looser curly hair is the beauty standard. This is most definitely not the case. We are created differently. For that reason, we are all beautiful in our own right. So please, stop telling us that our hair is "nappy" and needs to be straightened. We love you men no matter what. Can we have the same type of treatment please and thank you!

3. This looks like your real hair! Ok, I know this is a statement and not a question. It is also an awkward statement. So let me explain it really quick. The bigger our hair gets, the more you cannot see a part in our hair. Thus, giving the appearance of it being fake. Ok. That is a fair assessment. However, because so many of us women of color are going natural these days, I can guarantee you that it is more than likely our real hair before it isn't. I'll touch on weave next.... But we have got to stop assuming that just because this hair looks flawless that it isn't growing from our scalp. Our hair is absolutely gorgeous and we are very proud of it! But to assume that we cannot naturally produce something so elegant is such a major slap in the face and insulting. I've gotten this statement from all types of women. We don't like it guys. Stop it.

4. Why are you wearing weave if you're natural? Oh.... the great weave debate! Grab a glass of wine for this one honey.... Because I most definitely feel a rant coming on. First off, let me start by saying that one of the biggest things us natural girls love to do is protect our hair. The less we do to it, the less it falls out. So, I am the queen of a random protective style. I have worn box braids, sew-ins, wigs, and crochet braids. These styles are worn to prevent unnecessary breakage as well as promote growth. So to assume that just because I do not wish to use a No-Lye Relaxer on my hair that I shouldn't wear extensions is a terrible move on your part. Second, I'll address this question's cousin which is "why do black women wear weave?" The same reason all women wear weave Weave is a universal product that is used by every single woman regardless of race. If you take a look at hollywood, some of your favorite celebrities wear weave. Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, and Jessica Simpson all wore hair extensions in the late 90's - early 2000's. Beyonce, lace front wigs all day long honey! And don't get me started on Trump's toupee. I know Trump's not a woman, but I'm making a point here. I don't know how, why, or when wearing weave became a negative staple for African American Women, but we've got to chill on it. There is nothing wrong with adding hair to your head. I don't care what you look like or where you are from. It is perfectly fine to add additional hair to your head for whatever reason you feel like doing it. Please stop belittling individuals for making a decision to do something with their body that truly does not affect you. Unless it is going to kill you, you need not comment on it.

5. So are you Afro-Centric? I place this here because I am so guilty of asking this question. Prior to going natural, this was my assumption. Why? Because I had come across like 5 women who were natural and hardcore embraced their heritage. Honestly, it was intimidating for me. But I realized, now as a natural girl, that the heritage that they embraced is mine as well. While I am not mother earthing it out here, being natural has caused me to love me. From my natural tan to my unpredictable curl pattern, I am unapologetically me. There is nothing wrong with embracing who I am and where I am from. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging that at least 3/4 of my ancestors are from some country in Africa. I can't tell you exactly which one. But that's where they came from. I will not ignore that. I can't ignore it. I see it every time I look in a mirror, down at my hands, pick out a foundation, or do my hair. I live in a country where I am told to forget my history. Because my history is a bruise for this country that needs to heal. But, if I am reminded every single day of my life with all of the above questions, how can I forget? I'm not seeking acceptance from anyone. I'm accepting myself. I am embracing who I am as a woman, an African American. I am saying proudly that I love me from the curl of my hair to the caramel complexion on my feet. Will I shove it down everyone's throats? No. You see it every time I post a picture. You see this feisty, sarcastic, and witty Black Woman on so many different social media avenues. So I don't feel the need to remind anyone that I am who I am. I do not feel guilty for asking this question. Asking it led to my own self-discovery. I have grown so much over my 30 years of life. There is nothing wrong with embracing who you are. I encourage you all regardless of race, gender and sexuality to embrace and love you. I spoke on getting in Formation recently after Beyonce's latest single drop and half-time performance. She's getting a lot of flack for it. But for me and so many others, getting in formation is simply loving who you are and no longer being ashamed of it. This post merely speaks to the surface of what African American women go through. Truth be told, we are the most degraded of all women out here. We're not supposed to like ourselves at all. This is what that song is about. That's what being Afro-Centric is about. That is what being natural is about. It is about going against the norm of what is considered beautiful and truly embracing the way God made you. We were all created differently for a reason. We must continue to love ourselves and each other.

Ok so I got a little deep at the end. It happens. It is the actress in me LBS. I want to encourage everyone who reads this post to take something from it. Somehow, some way, everyone can relate this. I heard a presentation late last year about the stereotypes against Gingers. I was unaware of it. But it was extremely informative and I could totally relate to it. Because, I too am stereotyped. We all form judgments about each other so what we don't get makes sense. Instead of doing that, because it's annoying and RUDE, embrace the mystery. Ask polite questions. "I truly want to learn more about your hair. May I ask you a few questions" is a great way to start a conversation. This has happened to me and my defensive wall was immediately taken down. I was very willing to answer questions about shrinkage and low porosity (yes the conversation got that deep.) The individual was very interested and eager to learn something new. It was super appreciated. We don't mind if you want to learn. Seriously we don't. I know sometimes in public I have RBF Syndrome. But don't take that as if I don't want to be approached. It's the very reason I respond to everyone on here. Until next time loves!


Thursday, February 11, 2016

January Favorites Video

My January Favorites Video is UP!!!! Click the link below to check out. Don't forget to give it a thumbs up, like and subscribe! Let me know what you think.

January Favorites

Monday, February 8, 2016

If You Want Money, Fame, and Free Products... Then This Is Not The Industry For You!

I'm still fairly new to this business, the blogging business. Specifically, the beauty blogging business. But, with anything that we do, there are always pros and cons to the business. One particular con of mine truly disturbs me: The Bloggers Who Blog Just For Money, Fame, and Free Products....

I wish you all could see my face every time I come across an individual like this. It's usually the Kanye West Rest B**ch Face. LBVS!!! Why? Because it truly ruins the experience for everyone involved. Let me explain what I mean by truly breaking this down.

1. It ruins the experience for your followers. As someone who loves certain bloggers (Jaclyn Hill is my fav!) the reason I love her is because she is genuine. She gives her honest opinion and makes you feel like she's your best friend. I've used her code to buy things at Morphe not because I felt pressured to. But because she raved about them soooooooo much. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about on top of saving money. When you're blogging for fame and a check and free stuff *insert side eye* it's VERY NOTICEABLE!!! You try too hard, your personality never shows, and you look salesy. I have enough people trying to sell me something. I don't need bloggers who see a gold mine simply try to take advantage of me. Your followers want an experience. They want a friend. They want someone they can connect with. I'm sorry, but I cannot feel a connection with someone who's intention was never to connect with me in the first place. That's when you lose followers, thus ruining the experience for them.

2. It ruins the experience for other bloggers. So, you lost a follower because of your selfish intention. Great. Guess what happens next? They question ME!!! Yes that's right. Me and thousands who REALLY DO love what they do and aren't in it for the money are now being looked at sideways because YOU ruined that trust. You took advantage of someone for your own personal gain. Now we have to work super hard to convince them that we're not in it for the money. On top of all of that, it's a slap in the face. Beauty Blogging and the industry itself is something that we value greatly. It's not something that we take lightly. We invest in it because we love it. When I sit down in front of my mirror to create a look, it makes me happy. I am in my comfort zone, I am being creative. I am creating something for people to see. What is something new and fresh that I can do for my followers? That is the question I ask myself every single time I sit in front of my mirror. I also feel bad when I haven't done anything in a while. I feel like I have somehow neglected them. I don't ever want any of my followers to feel like I have forgotten about them. Do you know how much I get paid to do that? $0. Do you know how much fame I get from that? As much as people like it. Do you know how many free products I get for it? Seriously, I can count on 1 hand how many free products I have received. I continue to do it. Why? Because I love it and I love my followers. Having someone that is just in for money, fame, and free products is out right offensive to me and so many others who love what they do. It shows a great lack of respect for something we value so much. It's hurtful and disrespectful. And while we are on the subject of free products.....

3. It ruins the experience for YOU! Who doesn't like free stuff. I know I love free things. I received something free today that I TOTALLY wasn't expecting. Keyword there is expecting. If you are expecting to be sent free items from companies just because you take awesome pics, then you, my friend, are in the wrong business. I'm not lying when I say that I can count on 1 hand how many times I was sent something for free. Majority of everything I use in my pictures, I've purchased. At most, I had a discount. But I totally purchased them. Yet, I still rave about them. That's the experience you are missing out on! Do you know how awesome it is to discover a brand, buy their product, talk about it, and send everyone who loves and values your opinion their way to try it out for themselves? OMG!! What a rush to do something for someone else. The best part is, it comes back to you. I invested in Beauty For Real. They were the 1st company to contact me and ask me to be apart of their program. I invested in their product and fell in love with them. Not only have I sent people their way, but I have added their brand to my store. Have I received products from them that I didn't pay for? Yes. But did I ask for them? NO! It was a complete and total surprise to me and greatly appreciated. You lose that thrill of someone simply being able to thank you on that level because your motive is to bring attention to yourself. You don't get the opportunity to truly appreciate what you have because the intent was selfish. It makes what you're doing work as opposed to something that you love and you just so happen to make money doing it.

Basically what I am saying is, if this isn't something that you truly love, then don't do it. Find your passion. Don't just take something that you're good at and see others be successful from and say "oooo great way to make money." I say that with anything. There are greater blessings in blessing others than doing things for self gain. You will go farther in life if you do things from the heart as opposed to doing it for you. The secret to being a successful beauty blogger is simply loving what you do. I encourage everyone who wants to be a part of this amazing and talented industry to do it from your heart. Your pockets will flow naturally.

Much Luv,


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Open Letter to Men: We don't wear makeup for You!!

Since getting into the beauty industry, I have noticed a major trend amongst men on social media. Majority of them hate makeup. And I totally get it. You want to see the woman for who she truly is, not with something that can be removed from her face. Ok, that's a valid request. Here is where it becomes annoying. It becomes highly irritating when guys either:

A. Automatically assume that we have low self esteem because we have one a full face of makeup.
B. They bash the entire idea of it and will talk about or completely disrespect women from wearing it.

So here is where the title of this blog comes into play: We Do Not Put Makeup On For You. I'll be Charlie Brown if I was to sit here and spend AN HOUR putting on a full face of makeup for a man who can't name a high end makeup brand other than MAC. Makeup isn't put on for you guys. Sorry to burst your bubble. Here is what you're seeing when you see these transformation pics or videos on social media.

1. The pic is almost ALWAYS of a professional makeup artist OR a client that a professional makeup artist applied makeup to. It is almost NEVER of someone who is new to makeup. To be able to highlight and contour takes skill. You're literally sculpting your face so that it looks normal when the natural light or flashing lights hit your face. It's basically art, and our face is the canvas.

2. Nine times out of ten, we're usually not going anywhere when we take the pictures. I can definitely speak for myself as well as some more popular Beauty Bloggers when I say, we literally apply makeup to take a picture of it, post it to social media, then take it off. Why? That's apart of our job description! Lbvs. I can count how many times I have walked out of the house after doing a look. And half of the products I use, I would never wear on a normal day. The colors are super fun and I have a wonderful time using them. But if I was not blogging, I probably wouldn't do half of what I do now. I can honestly remember a period of time where I wasn't doing makeup professionally, and I probably wore a full face maybe once every 3 months. It's just not something I think is necessary for me to do every single for no reason. Being a Beauty Blogger gives me a reason to put on makeup every single day. When I'm not working, I'm not wearing it.

3. This makes us happy. You know how you have your sports and beer and hunting and fishing and what not? You know the crap that some of us ladies think is stupid, but we let you all do it anyway? Same thing with makeup. Those things make you happy. Makeup makes us happy. I know I always hear angels singing when I walk into a Sephora. And don't let me have gift cards. Talk about a straight up haul!! But this is something that I truly love. I love being able to try and test out products, then telling my followers what I think. It's like I have 3K + best friends and I can talk and share stories and swap secrets. I suffer from anxiety. Putting on makeup forces me to concentrate on that, which calms me down. I may not even be going anywhere. But if I'm in a bad mood, I can always count on playing on makeup to make me happy. It never fails.

Notice, not once in any of these scenarios were you men mentioned. Why? Because we don't do it for you. If anything, we'd much rather chill with you without wearing any makeup at all. We don't feel like we have to do that for you all to love us. We would be so willing to do that as long as you simply respect what it is that we do. You don't have to like it. Just be ok with us loving it. We know we don't need it to feel beautiful. We already know we are. We just like playing in it. Creating masterpieces. Let us be great please and thank you!

Much Luv,
