Saturday, February 20, 2016

Finding my niche in this beauty industry....

So, I can be all over the place at times. Like, before I started doing this... You know blogging, I wanted to start a marketing company. At one point, I wanted to be an English teacher.... Yikes. But I've truly had to take a long look at myself and say Aly? And I said hm? It's time you truly ground yourself in the thing you are supposed to be doing. 

For a while, my bio said Beauty/Hair/Fashion Blogger. And I literally forced myself to blog about hair and fashion. But I gradually went back and favored makeup. And, it wasn't until today when I stated my occupation at an event "I'm a beauty blogger." That I realized, that's truly what I am. Yes I have  ton of shoes and clothes and accessories and I have mastered the art of the perfect twist outs. But my calling is makeup. I love makeup. Makeup truly makes me happy. If I'm having a panic attack (I suffer from really bad anxiety) I sit down on the floor, in front my makeshift vanity, and create a look. The focus I am putting into making sure my cat eye can cut steel forces me to relax. I can't say the same about wash and gos. I'm usually frustrated by the end of it. And don't let me have to make a life altering decision on which shoe to purchase from Ross. Grrrrrrr. Yes I love these things and I'm decent at them. But that's not my calling. And honestly, it's not what you all want to see from me. 

I pay attention to the likes and comments. And the truth is, my MOTD's get the most attention. So because that's what you all like to see, that's what I'll do. I also removed the title of "makeup artist." I mean I am one, but I only do other faces per request. And that request has to be from someone I know. And they have to be paying. Seriously, that part of the job description where I have to be overly nice and have someone control my every flick of the wrist is not appealing to me. But I love discovering new products. I love introducing you all to these new products. I love demoing them out. I love sitting in front of my camera, putting on makeup and talking about my life and the latest news. (I know I'm recording one tomorrow I swear!) I love talking to you guys about what you think about certain products. It's like I have almost 4K besties that I can talk makeup with without being judged. I can be myself. 

So, Aly will be more beauty, less everything else. I'll still talk about shoes and jewelry, but really only when asked. I don't need to force myself to be anything more than who I am. You guys love me regardless. I appreciate that so much. So consistency! More MOTD's I promise. Thank you all for helping me figure out what I should be doing! 

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