Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Open Letter to Men: We don't wear makeup for You!!

Since getting into the beauty industry, I have noticed a major trend amongst men on social media. Majority of them hate makeup. And I totally get it. You want to see the woman for who she truly is, not with something that can be removed from her face. Ok, that's a valid request. Here is where it becomes annoying. It becomes highly irritating when guys either:

A. Automatically assume that we have low self esteem because we have one a full face of makeup.
B. They bash the entire idea of it and will talk about or completely disrespect women from wearing it.

So here is where the title of this blog comes into play: We Do Not Put Makeup On For You. I'll be Charlie Brown if I was to sit here and spend AN HOUR putting on a full face of makeup for a man who can't name a high end makeup brand other than MAC. Makeup isn't put on for you guys. Sorry to burst your bubble. Here is what you're seeing when you see these transformation pics or videos on social media.

1. The pic is almost ALWAYS of a professional makeup artist OR a client that a professional makeup artist applied makeup to. It is almost NEVER of someone who is new to makeup. To be able to highlight and contour takes skill. You're literally sculpting your face so that it looks normal when the natural light or flashing lights hit your face. It's basically art, and our face is the canvas.

2. Nine times out of ten, we're usually not going anywhere when we take the pictures. I can definitely speak for myself as well as some more popular Beauty Bloggers when I say, we literally apply makeup to take a picture of it, post it to social media, then take it off. Why? That's apart of our job description! Lbvs. I can count how many times I have walked out of the house after doing a look. And half of the products I use, I would never wear on a normal day. The colors are super fun and I have a wonderful time using them. But if I was not blogging, I probably wouldn't do half of what I do now. I can honestly remember a period of time where I wasn't doing makeup professionally, and I probably wore a full face maybe once every 3 months. It's just not something I think is necessary for me to do every single for no reason. Being a Beauty Blogger gives me a reason to put on makeup every single day. When I'm not working, I'm not wearing it.

3. This makes us happy. You know how you have your sports and beer and hunting and fishing and what not? You know the crap that some of us ladies think is stupid, but we let you all do it anyway? Same thing with makeup. Those things make you happy. Makeup makes us happy. I know I always hear angels singing when I walk into a Sephora. And don't let me have gift cards. Talk about a straight up haul!! But this is something that I truly love. I love being able to try and test out products, then telling my followers what I think. It's like I have 3K + best friends and I can talk and share stories and swap secrets. I suffer from anxiety. Putting on makeup forces me to concentrate on that, which calms me down. I may not even be going anywhere. But if I'm in a bad mood, I can always count on playing on makeup to make me happy. It never fails.

Notice, not once in any of these scenarios were you men mentioned. Why? Because we don't do it for you. If anything, we'd much rather chill with you without wearing any makeup at all. We don't feel like we have to do that for you all to love us. We would be so willing to do that as long as you simply respect what it is that we do. You don't have to like it. Just be ok with us loving it. We know we don't need it to feel beautiful. We already know we are. We just like playing in it. Creating masterpieces. Let us be great please and thank you!

Much Luv,


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