Monday, March 28, 2016

No one can make you feel bad about you.... Unless you let them

This is a little bit different of a post. Not about makeup.... Necessarily. But about self-esteem. I began to think about this because of some of the things that has happened to me with makeup shaming so early in my career and the latest Instagram fiasco where they're changing how we view the timeline. Let me start with that first. Instagram changing the timeline to an algorithm format honestly isn't that big of a deal. It will appear like Facebook from what I hear. My posts on my personal page still pop up and get the same amount of attention that everyone else's does. The thing that's making us freak out is the lack of confidence we have in believing that we will be successful on Instagram. Regardless of your reason for being on IG, you won't become invisible. Your post matters and your followers definitely agree with you. After all, that's why they follow you. Everyone's timeline looks completely different. So while your post may appear low on one timeline, it may appear high elsewhere. This definitely isn't something to panic about. Be confident in your ability to be amazing at what you do. This time last year, I had 630 followers on IG, 0 YouTube Subscribers, and hadn't even established a Facebook page. Today, I have over 4600 Followers on IG, 233 YouTube Subscribers, and 6060 Followers on Facebook. This may seem like a small step to some, but to me, it's major! 

Working in the beauty industry, you see a lot of hatred towards people who have gathered the courage to expose themselves online. I see it everywhere. Men threaten to take women swimming on the first date because they're afraid that makeup is covering up this hideous creature underneath, women who don't know how to apply makeup properly ( yeah I said it lol) throw shade at women who do by saying "I don't need to wear all that makeup to be pretty." And partake in the bashing that men do in the hopes that they will notice them, wife them, and they live happily ever after. Listen.... Whether you wear makeup or not, are a content creator or everyday woman, a makeup enthusiast or someone who simply wears lip gloss and eye liner, you are beautiful just the way you are. If we were all born with the same talent, then there would be nothing about us that makes us different. Embrace your individuality and respect those who are different from you. Tearing down the next person honestly does not make you more appealing. In reality, it makes you immature and insecure. Instead of trying to bring them down to make you stand out, embrace the wonderful things about you. Begin to love you for who you are. You'll soon realize that you won't need to make fun of anyone to make yourself feel better. And all the things that are for you will come to you. In the same token, if someone says something about you, don't give it any energy. Their words and opinions about you don't matter. They don't mold who you are. They don't shape who you are. Your well being does not depend on how they feel about you. You are going to be you no matter what. So love you. Be happy with you. Don't let them push their insecurities off on you. No one can make you feel bad about you if you don't allow them. Know that your worth is bigger than their opinions. What is for you is for you. There is nothing that anyone can say or do to prevent you from achieving the things that were created for you. Believe in yourself and keep going. Ignore the individuals who simply don't have the guts to do what you do. Beauty starts with the heart, then radiates outward. Makeup simply enhances it. 

Until next time beauties,


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