Sunday, December 20, 2015

AlyJae Beauty: The beginning of a new Beauty Era

Why haven't I spoke on my own store yet, I am not sure. But hey, there is no reason I cannot do it right now. I came up with the name in the most simplest manner. I combined my nickname and my daughter's nickname. My nickname is Aly and her's is Jae, short for Jaeda. My idea behind this store give an exclusive shopping experience of brands that you can't really find all together anywhere else in one location. The first company I collaborated with was Beauty For Real. They have an amazing product line and are a big hit in the Miami, FL area. From there, I searched for more companies to add to my store. But I didn't want to just add anyone. I specifically tried the products out before I began to sell them. I don't want to sell or promote any product that I knew I wouldn't wear myself. Integrity is huge to me. I didn't just want to make money. I wanted to promote products and individuals that had so much talent but did not have the following I felt they deserved. That is how the Brand Ambassador Program was formed.

When I first started reaching out to Beauty Bloggers and Makeup Artists to be apart of this program, I didn't get a response right away. I got a lot of people rejecting it. I knew what I wanted to do, but I hadn't gone about it the right way. I changed a few things around, and the BA program and AlyJae Family grew almost overnight. We now have two Brand Ambassador Managers and over 20 very talented Brand Ambassadors promoting and supporting the company. I call it a family because that is what it is. We accept everyone who is in the beauty industry. So if you are reading this and are interested in being apart of this family of ours, please email us your 4 pictures of your work and experience to

The products that we carry are all amazing in their own right and will truly reach high levels of recognition. The products are as follows: Beauty For Real, Batlash Premium Lashes, Nia Cosmetics, Nicolet Beauty, and Solo Noir. All of these product lines are wonderful. We will soon be adding more lines as well as creating one for the store specifically. AlyJae Beauty Cosmetics will launch late winter 2016, starting off first with eyeshadows. We will also be adding Femi Cosmetics to the mix, who carries an amazing brand of loose pigment eyeshadows. I will also be looking for Brand Ambassador's worldwide starting at the top of 2016. So if you are interested, please email us at Our store is brand new but is making a major dent in the beauty industry. Go check us out at www,!

Much Luv,


Nicolet Beauty Purple Shades

Nia Cosmetics Glitter in Rosemary

Batlash Premium Lashes in Bonita

Beauty For Real True Color Lip Creams

Solo Noir Skin Care for Men

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